If you don’t believe in yourself, how can you expect anyone else to?

Self-confidence is a trait that parallels success in every category of life and business. Self-confident people are admired by others and inspire others to be more confident. They seem to keep it all together in the face of challenges and are generally more well liked, have many opportunities, and overall have been reported to have a higher quality of life.

Wouldn’t it be great to have this kind of confidence? Guess what? You can.

Confidence is a skill that can be developed.

Here are 5 confidence-boosting tips you can try. When you apply them regularly, you will find yourself feeling better and growing more confident every day.


1. Decide

Something powerful happens when you make a decision. Your mind shifts toward what’s possible instead of making excuses and staying on the sidelines. Making a decision, no matter how small, exercises your decision-making skills.


2. Practice

The more you do something, the better you become at it and the more confident you feel about doing it. In the beginning, you don’t know what you don’t know. Remember when you first started driving a car? It felt both exciting and scary. It was uncomfortable, but your enthusiasm got you through it. You decided to get your driver’s license and began the process. Perhaps you just drove around your neighborhood in the beginning, but now nothing stops you from driving wherever you want to go.


3. Move and Breathe

Moving your body helps improve your mood. Don’t you automatically feel better after you exercise? We all do. Breathing works the same way. When you breathe deeply with attention, your nervous system calms down and you feel more relaxed and capable.


4. Phase Out Negativity

Let’s face it: negative people drain everyone’s energy. Period. Negativity attracts more negativity. People who always put a negative spin on everything and share their limiting beliefs can impact your well-being. So put in a buffer. Let their phone calls go to voicemail. Phase out anyone whose negative perspective brings you down.


5. Belonging

Find your tribe. If you feel isolated, you are more likely to feel insecure and less confident. Join a group such as a book club or take a yoga class. Get involved with a group of upbeat movers and shakers. Expand your circle. Know who you want to spend more time with and make the connections.

There is so much greatness inside of you that wants to express itself through you. Confidence is inside of you.


You GOT this thing.


Whatever it is you want to do, have, or become, you can do it . . . confidently.