Here is your Sunday Scoop, a list of resources, ideas and what I’m currently exploring.

1. Daily Habit: Vitamin D

Did you know that 80% of Americans are Vitamin D deficient? Studies show that the risks of Vitamin D deficiency include diabetes, heart disease, and depression, while the benefits range from improved cardiovascular health to better immune function.

Furthermore, recent studies indicate that optimizing Vitamin D levels can decrease cancer risk by more than half. There is an app called “Dminder” an app for your iPhone/iPad that tracks the Vitamin D you get from the sun. I just started using this app myself.

Download app >>> HERE

D Minder Pro

2. Technology News: Temi

Temi is a speech-to-text transcription app that creates transcripts in less than 5 minutes. Take notes. Transcription available right away. Walk and talk.

Check it out >>> HERE

They offer a mobile app to record memos, meetings, and lectures on the go.


3. Hero Highlight ​

Gladys McGarey, MD at 102 years of age, has been a family physician for over sixty years. She is internationally known for her pioneering work in holistic medicine, natural birthing, and the physician-patient partnership. A founding member and past president of the American Holistic Medical Association, she also serves on a research committee of the National Institute of Health’s Office of Alternative Medicine. Learn more >>> HERE

4. Question to Ponder:

Is it better to be ”wanted‘ or “needed”?

5. Recommended Read: Managing Yourself by Peter Drucker

Link to order >>> HERE

The author says the reason most of us never achieve greatness like Richard Branson, Leonardo DA Vinci, or Mozart is because we don’t actually know what our strengths are. We think we know but we are usually wrong. Drucker also says on the other side, we are also bad at identifying our weaknesses. He suggests using feedback analysis to actually learn the truth about yourself. The book is a quick read of only 50 pages.

Managing Oneself

6. Bonus: Free Gift. Leave Your Legacy, Write Your Eulogy

Life is short, fragile and unpredictable. One never knows how long they have here on planet earth. One of the programs I’ve shared over the years is my “Eulogy Blueprint” and I am sharing it with all of you today as my gift to each of you. ​ Pass along to a friend, if the spirit moves you.

Download Your Copy ​ >>> HERE

Leave Your Legacy

Networking Meetup This Week

Join us for our monthly “Connection & Community” Meetup on Zoom next Wednesday At 12:00PM EST. Complimentary. Meet other Spiritually Minded, Impact Driven Entrepreneurs.


Networking Meetup