The Power of Believing

Life is exactly what you believe it is. If you believe the world is a miserable place then every experience you have will confirm that you are right but the reverse is true also. Like going to gym you have to exercise your happiness muscle and do it everyday.

When you see things in the world that are good then you believe that things are good and then you attract more joy and happiness into your life. The key is to believe with every cell in your body because if you sorta believe or if deep down inside you doubt or question something then you are sending out mixed vibes and your results will reflect it. In order to align and be congruent with belief, certainty and faith you must know it to be true at the cellular level. You have to really truly believe.

So how can you strengthen your belief muscle?

You start by looking for things that are right…things that you love and make a mental “love list” throughout the day. In the beginning your list may only have a few things on it but if you turn the process into a game then you will start finding things everywhere. You love your cup of coffee first thing in the morning, the shirt you pick out to wear to work, your adorable puppy’s face, the color purple, and so on. Make lists of EVERYTHING you LOVE and keep adding to your list throughout the day.

Love is the highest vibration so when you are experiencing it, sharing it, and radiating love then you are a magnet for goodness, richness and SUCCESS in every area of your life.

Start today. Look for love. It is in the air…it is everywhere.

Love, Light and SUCCESS,