5 Tips to Get Started Journaling

1. Get a journal that you love. Pick one that calls to your soul and makes you feel good about using it. I recommend going online and looking for a journal that reflects your personality. Once you decide on a journal and actually get it, you have done the hardest part—making a commitment and going all in. Now you are ready to design your life with journaling.

2. Let go of judgment and perfection. Journaling is a deeply personal process, and it’s helpful to have some inner dialogue with yourself upfront so you don’t get caught up in the mind chatter of “what if” before you even get started. Give yourself permission to figure it out as you go. Your willingness to go within to do some self-reflection is a gift you are giving your future self. Be gentle with yourself. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Creating your future life story is going to feel kind of strange at first. That’s okay. Pat yourself on the back for getting this far.

3. Schedule the time to write. I find that if I put something on my calendar, it actually gets done, and if I don’t, it doesn’t. Know when you are feeling most creative and clear-minded. For me, that is usually in the morning. Set aside the same time weekly or daily to write even if it is only for 5 minutes a day. It’s actually more important to create the daily habit than anything else. Lean in. Grab a cup of tea and begin the process. Once you get started, your thoughts will fall into place.

4. Forgive yourself upfront when you miss a block of time and don’t do it. Let’s face it—we can be very hard on ourselves. It’s going to happen and that’s okay. Life isn’t a straight line up to the top. Everyone gets off track. You win by getting yourself re-inspired and back on track when it does (and it will). And by the way, I encourage you to write about obstacles and setbacks in your future-scripting story when you journal. Writing about the problems and challenges that might occur or that you are already experiencing will prepare your mind for the way through.

5. Give yourself dream time. If you’ve never done a bucket list or a dream list, now is a good time. Close your eyes and remember what you thought about when you were a kid. Ask yourself these types of questions:

  • What would I do if I knew I couldn’t fail?
  • What’s most important in my life?
  • What character traits do I want to develop?
  • What steps do I need to take to accomplish my most important goals?
  • What are my strengths? What makes my soul come alive?

Journaling will get your juices flowing. I have worked with hundreds of clients, helping them enhance their lives and grow their businesses using these techniques. Wishing you much success on your life’s journey!



And for some extra inspiration take a glimpse into the journals kept by some of the most successful people in our history.

1. Albert Einstein

2. Lewis and Clark

3. Thomas Edison

4. Bruce Lee

5. Benjamin Franklin

6. Beethoven

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