To FORGIVE is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.-Louis B. Smedes

To err is human; to forgive, divine.– Alexander Pope

Sincere FORGIVENESS isn’t colored with expectations that the other person apologize or change. Don’t worry whether or not they finally understand you. Love them and release them. Life feeds back truth to people in its own way and time—just like it does for you and me. –Sara Paddison

There is no revenge so complete as FORGIVENESS.– Josh Billings

The ability to FORGIVE AND LET GO creates space so that goodness, richness, and happiness has enough room to enter- Wendi Blum


1.)  Acknowledge-First you have to acknowledge that there is someone in your life that you have not forgiven that is associated with feeling like: anger, resentment, bitterness, or blame.

2.)  Decision to Move Forward- Now that you have acknowledged these feeling and whom they are attached to, the next step involves making a decision to forgive that person.

3.)  Make a commitment-Now that you made the decision to forgive the next step is to stay committed to do whatever it takes to accomplish it. Finding an accountability partner (a coach) that will keep you aligned with your true heart’s desire to forgive will be enormously helpful.

4.)  Intentions and Affirmations -Write out your desires and affirm the new feelings that are now replacing the old ones.

5.)  See the glass half full- Look for anything good the person you are in the process of forgiving has brought into your life even if it is so small it is the size of a tiny grain of sand.

6.)  Release Work – Take a deep inhale and breathe in the experience (the lesson) and exhale out all the rest– any residual unhealthy thoughts that still lingers deep inside of you. Let it all go. Visualize it being released into the ethers.

7.)  Sending Blessings – This will miraculously change your life. When you can do this with ease and grace you will experience miracles beyond your imagination.

Wishing each one of you Health, Wellness and Happiness,



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