What does it mean to have SUPERPOWERS?

First, we ALL have them. They are our skills, talents, qualities, insights, strengths or mindsets that exist within us.

Most of the time we don’t even know they are there until we are faced with major challenges or tremendous adversity, or unforeseen setbacks.

If someone would’ve told me I had superpowers I wouldn’t have believed them up until 15 years ago. Prior I was stressed, had low self esteem and felt like an outcast in my own life. It was a time in my life when I hit rock bottom and could barely get through a day without having a complete mental meltdown.

Until I took a NLP, Neuro-linguistic programming that Tony Robbins credits to his success (reprogramming the subconscious mind) course, I had no idea that you could change your entire life by changing your mindset.

To this day, I fully believe that the ability to change our mindset is the number #1 superpower we all have access to. No matter where you are on your personal or professional journey, you can learn, grow and expand your mind therefore in essence, at anytime you can change your life.

Read about how Jim Kwik has turned learning faster into his superpower in Forbes Magazine here.

To get started on the quest to explore your own superpowers. here are a series of questions that will help you discover yours.

1. What is a natural skill that comes to you easily and doesn’t require much thought?

Research has shown that when we focus on tasks that are in our Zone of Genius, we are more productive and accomplish more in less time. It could be that you’re a numbers nerd or a visionary who dislikes sitting still in front of a computer. Neither is good nor bad, just different. The trick is to focus on what is right for you and put your attention there.

2.  What are you most passionate about, and what do you love spending time doing?

If your reason for doing something is not strong enough, burnout can set in, especially if you’re focusing on things that bore you. Putting your efforts and energy into an area that lights you up and is always on your mind is a great way to avoid burnout. Confucius once said, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

3. What makes time fly by for you?

Have you ever worked on a project that made you lose track of time? The entire day went by without you noticing, and you barely ate, took a restroom break, or thought about anything else. Your superpower will be greatly enhanced if you can focus on projects like these.

4. What makes you stand out from the crowd?

Everyone has their own unique personality, characteristics, attitudes, and energy levels. If you want to live a superlife, don’t just be a cookie-cutter version of someone else; craft your own superhero outfit that will turn heads.

5. Where do you find yourself giving advice to others?

Whether we know it or not, we give off an energy and vibe that people either gravitate towards or repel from. If you find that people come to you for guidance, support, encouragement, or wisdom in a particular area, focus on that field. You may be an expert in that field without even realizing it.

6. What did you enjoy as a child that shows up in your everyday life?

As a kid, you may have enjoyed drawing or building blocks, and now you function in the same way, creating beautiful works of art. Where in your life are you repeating things you did as a child? Follow those!

7. If money and time were no object, how would you spend your days?

If you’re unhappy in your job, consider stepping into the hero’s shoes and asking yourself what they would do to change their situation. Take massive action to bring your dreams into reality.

8. What do you find yourself constantly thinking about?

Sometimes we find ourselves thinking about the same thing over and over again, and our subconscious gives us a helpful nudge to focus on this area because it is important. If you find that you keep saying to yourself, “I’m going to do XYZ just as soon as (insert excuse)… the kids go off to college… the summer time comes… etc.” The best time to do something, especially if you keep putting it off, is RIGHT NOW!

9. What gets you into the zone?

Our surroundings impact the thoughts that go on in our heads. There are settings that empower us like a superhero theme song that gets our heart pumping, ready to take on anything. Remember the acronym TEA, which stands for Thoughts, Emotions, and Actions. What we think about affects the way we feel, and the way we feel affects the actions we take.

If the list of steps above feels overwhelming, don’t worry. Take your time and give each step some serious thought.

Remember, sometimes it’s easier to believe in someone else’s belief in you before you can believe in yourself. As the saying goes, “you are the company you keep”. Surround yourself with people who see you as a superhero capable of achieving great things, and let them be your Aunt May on your Spider-Man journey.

You have only one life to live, so why not become a superhero yourself and create a legacy that others will talk about for generations to come?

Article by Wendi Blum + Brendan McCauley

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