“If your mind can conceive it and believe it, then it can achieve it.” – Napoleon Hill

This quote comes with a blackbox warning:
✨If you choose to test out this concept, get yourself ready for MASSIVE change in your life.⁠

Most people go through life on autopilot. We resist change. It’s hard in the beginning. And pushing against societal norms can be really, really hard. ⁠

You have to really want it and in many cases (like mine) you stumble your way to change through the dark and challenging times. ⁠

I remember in 2005 all of my insecurities peaked and I could barely sleep at night. I questioned everything about my life. My life looked good on the outside yet I felt “off” like something significant was missing. ⁠

At the center of my questioning was my 25 year career working in the pharmaceutical industry.

Was this my entire life’s body of work? ⁠

I had this dull aching pain. Sometimes it would show up as neck pain. Other times as a headache. Sometimes it wasn’t physical- it was an emotional disconnect. It was just there. All of the time.⁠

It kept trying to nudge me in a different direction for my life but I didn’t know it at the time. ⁠

I now KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt it was my Higher Self trying to get my attention. It wanted me to discover I had “calling” on my life that would lead to a major career change at the age of 50. ⁠

5 years of writing, meditating, praying and deep soulful work helped me figure it out (I believe this a lifelong pursuit)⁠

✨Flash forward 12 years to today; ⁠

I have helped hundreds to thousands of corporate men & women grow their current careers or launch a brand new ones as a coach, speaker or content creator. ⁠

Some are in their 30’s learning to become financially independent and others are in their 60’s finally monetizing their side hustle. ⁠

💯Here is what I know to be true: The human mind is capable of GREAT things. ⁠Inside of it exists lives our belief system which is the command station dictating the direction of our lives. ⁠

🔥 Don’t forget that. ⁠
Tag someone below👇who needs to hear this today. ⁠