Let me ask you something! 

How does your work make you feel? 

Does it excite your soul? 

Do you feel like THIS is what you were always meant to do? 

Can you do it for the rest of your life despite having other options? 

If YES, then you, my friend, are already working in your zone of genius. 

But unfortunately, that’s not the case most of the time. Most people spend a lifetime doing what they might be good at, but it’s not what makes their heart sing and their soul fulfilled. 

This is what Gay Hendricks in his book “The Big Leap” calls the Zone of Excellence; doing something that you’re skilled at, but there’s a constant feeling as if something is missing. Somewhere deep inside, you want MORE and believe that there’s more for you, but you don’t know what that is yet. 

And the worst of all? 

It’s when you’re not good at something and you don’t enjoy it even a tiny bit, but you do it anyway. This is what Zone of Inconfidence looks like (a nightmare for the visionaries and the dreamers). 

So, the question is, if your work doesn’t make you feel overjoyed and you’re not excited to plan out your week every Sunday, then how do you change things? 

How do you find out what your zone of genius is? 

Here are 3 things you can do to unleash your zone of genius and make 2022 your breakthrough year:

STEP 1: Experiment and test things out. Have you been wanting to do something for a while? Do it. Do it even if it makes you uncomfortable, because nothing great ever happens in the comfort zone. This is how you’ll find out your zone of genius. 

STEP 2: Self-reflect. This is HUGE! Successful people set aside time to do the reflection work. No, it’s not meditation, yoga or anything like that. Just sit down in a quiet space, bring out your journal and write down your thoughts. Have a conversation with yourself and the findings will surprise you.

STEP 3: Do the things that you loved doing when you were growing up and have fun doing them. They might not be directly related to the work you do and your monetization plan, but you’ll see how things will fall into place after a while. 

Here’s the thing! 

There’s no magic pill to unleash your zone of genius, neither is it an X-step process you can follow to a tee. You got to experiment, play with different ideas, and be willing to have some fun. 

What about you? Do you know what your zone of genius is? If so, what is it?