Wendi Blum Weiss designing her life

One new idea or thought can completely change your life.

This time of year I am in life design mode. BIG TIME. ( for me & my clients)

I’m reflecting, purging, and deciding what’s going to be left behind and what’s coming forward with me into the new decade.

I would normally only do this behind closed doors but this year I have decided to do it publicly.

By the way, I used to “not do it” and now I do. I might write a book on it at some point in my life…

But for now; my “why” for creating this post;

If just one person is inspired to self reflect then it makes it worthwhile.

We spend more time planning a holiday party then we do our own lives.

Think about that. Soak it in.

We google recipes, contemplate, talk about and shop for hours for a party yet we don’t invest even half of that time PLANNING our own lives.

If we did we wouldn’t be a victim to life’s circumstances. We would be making decisions based on our dreams, goals & desires. Those decisions would be well thought out and we would feel more empowered- more present- more at peace.

Here’s what I’ve been reflecting on this morning;

My filter OUT list;

* Surface level conversations
I’m not really a small talk kinda of girl.
* Aggressiveness in any way, shape or form. I’ve got no time for energy sappers.
*People pleasing; It’s OK if someone doesn’t “get” me or like me.
* Digital distraction. I’ve got a big mission in my heart with no time to waste.
* Saying no Guilt-free. Speaking my truth even if my voice shakes.
* Trying to fit in; Everyone is on their own chosen path. I’m really good with mine.
* Fear. I’m willing to feel it and do the uncomfortable anyway.
* Attachment to outcomes. I trust that everything always somehow works out.

My Filter IN list;

* All things LOVE related. Spending more time with people I love doing things I love.
* Deep, meaningful relationships with genuine & loyal peeps that mutually support each other through thick and thin.
* Optimized health, wealth & happiness.
* Next level trust.
* Music, concerts, and lots of dancing.
* Connections, community, and collaborations.
* More laughter. More fun. More giving.
* Being unapologetically, authentically me.
* Enhanced daily habits ( way too many to name here).

With love, honor & deep respect for a stunning 2020