It’s been awhile since I’ve posted a blog.

I’ve taken time off from The Speakers and Coaches Networking Society to dive into my personal writing, traveling, and to explore the next chapter of my life both personally and professionally.

I wanted to share part of that journey with you as I just returned from 3 weeks traveling abroad.

My husband, Harry and I started off in Monte Carlo (we stayed on a yacht AirBNB) followed by short visits to Zurich & Basel Switzerland, then sailed on a Viking Cruise along the Rhine River stopping in several small towns in Germany, followed by spending several delightful days in Amsterdam, Paris and finished up in London.

Truth be told, I wasn’t really keen on going. After Covid, I had gotten comfortable staying close to home in South Florida. However, we were invited to a family wedding in London so I mustered up the energy and said I’d go.

Below was my favorite restaurant in Paris at The Hotel Providence.

Here’s my big WHY. Time is flying by quickly. I am 62 years old.

The average age of death for a woman in the United States is 79.3 yrs (it’s 5 years higher in Europe (I’ll talk about why that is in a future blog).
I figure I have somewhere in the neighborhood (according to the law of averages) = 17 SUMMERS LEFT and 16 if you count this one, for a grand total of 6,205 days.
Below are both my parents ages at their passing.
My Dad lived until he was 67 (which would equate to 5 more summers for me)
My Mom made it to 89 (which would equate to 27 more summers for me)
The last 2 summers for Mom were REALLY HARD.

Analyzing the numbers, for me, isn’t morbid; It merely brings a deep sense of urgency to living my life FULL OUT- not down the road but RIGHT NOW!

​The reason I count each summer is to recognize the shortness of life and to make each summer really COUNT.

I have VOWED to squeeze all of the juice out of my life until my last breath…

…so why not travel to as many cities, immerse in other cultures and experience as many different countries as possible? NOW

… why not eat great food, be surrounded by fabulous art, take a dance class, go to the concert, see a show on Broadway, take up guitar lessons, go visit an old high school friend, take a stroll with a loved one, and ultimately say “I love you” 10X more often? NOW

It’s inevitable. We are not going to make it out of here alive so we might as well live each day as if it could be our very last.
Nickelback’s song “If Todays Were Your Last Day” has been one of my all time favorites.

And while we are reflecting on the shortness of life, why not play full out in everything you do? NOW
Why not write a best selling book…?
Speak on stages…. Share your voice…Share your story…
Take your business up a notch and MAX it OUT?
Live each day as if it were your very last…

​If you‘ve been thinking about the shortness of life, too and are ready to mix things up, and do the things you’ve been putting off like all of the above, then KEEP READING.

We don’t know what the cards have in store for us or how many summers we have left (it’s real to look your mortality straight on).

​Life is too short to hold back, play small and put off the most important things in your heart.

​For me….One of the things I’ve been most proud of are the collaboration book projects I have spearheaded with my publishing partner, Patricia Wooster.

​We’ve co-produced 2 books together that have done exceptionally well.
Both have reached best selling status in multiple categories. 
We produced conferences, book launch events, and Barnes and Noble book signings featuring all of our authors- with full stage and video production.
In vein of the shortness of life, we are announcing our 3rd book coming out early 2024 “Impact Driven Entrepreneur.”
When you think about your life, I humbly ask, what is most important to you?

​…and if you are like me, you are counting each day and each summer wanting to make the most out of each one of them. You can go into the next phase of your life and career feeling energized, purposeful, and knowing you are going accomplish a dream come true, by becoming a best selling author.

​It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity and most importantly, who knows, we may never do this again.
Life is fragile, short and unpredictable. That being said, we‘ve opened up 3 new co-author spots, that’s it.

If this is your time to lead and impact the world, apply to join us. Remember, you don’t know how long you truly have. None of us do.

Hope this inspires you,