
What are your thoughts around affirmations? Do you believe they work? Are you using them on a daily basis to attract health, love or prosperity into your life?

I suspect that if you are a believer then you may have noticed that something interesting happens when you declare your heart’s desire consistently over time. It has been my experience (and those of hundreds of clients that I have worked with) that what you focus on expands — which is why putting your attention on your desires can activate a feeling (hopefully a good one) that will inspire you to take action towards them.

If you haven’t’ had great results using “Power Statements” or “Affirmations” it is usually because the emotion attached to it hasn’t been charged with enough power (aka, feelings).  So how do you activate a higher level of emotion? What resources can you use to strengthen the power of your declaration? What can you do TODAY to enhance your focus so that you can become healthier, happier and more successful?


Here are my top 3 ways to add more oomph to your spoken desires:

1. Write out your own. When you use someone else’s words, there might be part of you that is out of alignment with one of the phrases, key words or even the overall meaning. It doesn’t have to be perfect but more often then not it has to originate from own heart’s desire.

2. Speak them out loud. The spoken word is powerful and when you add your voice to your words then you are compounding the energy creating a more powerful vibration that echoes out into the Universe.

3. Quantity and quality both count. The subconscious mind is a tricky (and sneaky) reservoir of old beliefs, limitations and distorted stories. Every time you connect your “Power Statement” (your heart’s desire) using brain power while engaging your physical body in addition to invoking your spirit into the process, you are re-directing your destiny towards success (reprogramming your subconscious mind, super charging your cells and actually re-blueprinting your DNA).

So what do you think, worth the daily effort?

Wishing you MEGA Success,
