1. The 80-20 Rule. Check In While Most People Are Checked Out

As the end of the year approaches, how can you finish this year strong and crush it in next year? That’s where the 80-20% rule applies once again. After Thanksgiving passes you can bet 40% of the people here in the United States are going to start winding down until after the holidays.  Then a few weeks later about two weeks before Christmas the other 40% are going to check out until after the New Year rings in. Hence, the 80-20% rule.

You can be the 20%. Don’t check out on your dreams. Don’t check out on your goals. Continue to focus on them to finish the year strong.

Be part of the 20% by:

  • Making a decision; nope, that’s not going to be ME!
  • Making a commitment, saying “I’m doing this, NOW.”
  • Taking a good look at yourself in the mirror and claiming 2020 as your BEST YEAR!
  • Reading and listening to podcasts
  • Visualizing my perfect day

2. Plan NOW, (not Later)

Every minute you spend in planning saves 10 minutes in execution. This gives you a 1000 percent return on your ENERGY! ~ Brian Tracy

Most people, aka the 80-20 rule will start thinking about January IN January. But if you want to get an edge start planning out your January and commit to making it productive by kicking in momentum while everyone else is just realizing the new decade has already begun.

Prior planning prevents poor performance (tweet able) If you fail to plan you plan to fail.

Block some time over the next few weeks to get your mindset right and plan your January in your calendar. Fill January’s calendar with opportunities and actions to launch into the year strong. Don’t wait to plan. Most people are going to check out and worry about it later and end up being behind the eight ball. You are going to get a head start by doing your pre-planning now.

According to Brian Tracy, if you plan now you will get 1000 fold results in 2020 just by planning it out. Powerful, right?

3. Maintain Your Health, First

This time of year most people overeat and under exercise. Period. They go to more parties and abuse their body with more alcohol and sugary laden food. Most people stay out later and deplete their energy by burning the candle on both ends. Then when January comes around and they come out of their food and drinking coma they go on a diet trying to loose the added 10 pounds put on over the holidays.

You could actually decide in advance NOT to do that to yourself. You can guard your health. Hey, I hear you. You might be saying it’s holiday time and I want to enjoy all of the delicious home prepped food with family and friends. I totally get that. But you can also keep in mind not to overdo it. And think about increasing your metabolism to burn extra calories, too.

Here are a few ideas to prioritize your health leading up to the New Year

  • Plan out your exercise by scheduling it in your calendar in advance (turn your food into fuel not into fat)
  • Make hydration a must. Alternate each cocktail or glass of wine with a glass of water.
  • Layer in extra health boosters like getting a B12 shot or treating yourself to an infrared treatment.
  • Take your vitamins
  • Substitute a meal the day of a party with a green juice or protein shake.
  • Give yourself a reboot and recharge day  every week by heading to bed early to get a good night’s sleep
  • Go for walks outside and breathe in the fresh air to oxygenate the body and keep your immune system strong

All of the above will help you finish the year strong by guarding your health so that you can maintain mental clarity and the energy to go after your goals  to create your very best year..

4.  Do It Now Vs Saying You Will Do It Later

Right now, in advance of the parties, get your priorities done and complete those important projects. You can do a lot over the next few weeks. You can accomplish more in the next 4 weeks than you did over the last couple of months if you allocate all of your energy towards it. If you have your hustle on and commit to it I believe you can finish the year super strong but you have to bust through excuses and do it now. Don’t delay.

Going for a walk in the park, or riding your bike around your neighborhood can spark new ideas in all sorts of ways. My juices get flowing whenever I’m taking  an indoor cycling class. Another friend of mind gets her strongest creative downloads while running. The body’s endorphins are charged up and the mind is stimulated in a very difficult way then sitting at one’s desk working.

Most people live in the neighborhood of “SOMEDAY”….someday I’ll write a book, someday I. Those people will talk about what they are going to do but most “go getters’ don’t talk about it they are too busy DOING IT!

What do you want to finish by Dec 31st?

  • Projects. It could be scheduling that photo shoot, creating new graphics for your banner, or updating your LInkedIn profile (share in the comments below what you are committed to working on)
  • People. What people do you still need something from to complete a project or task on your end. Follow up big time. Write the email you have been putting off. Make that phone call. Ask for what you need. And think about who is waiting on something from you? Take inventory. Make a check list and do it. You can finish the year strong by delivering things that other people need from you as well.
  • Prioritize.  You can still accomplish a lot between now and the end of the year. Maybe it’s spending more time with a family member or taking golf lessons or spending the day at the beach. It doesn’t have to be work related. It can be date night with your hubby or volunteering at a food bank.

Block off the time now to focus on your projects, your priorities and the people that make it all come together. Most people won’t and will be scrambling in January. Not YOU, right?

5.  Get Into The Flow Zone

How do you get your motivation mojo going? Personally, I have to follow a daily protocol to muster up the energy to awaken my body and positively charge my mindset to get in the zone.

It includes:

  • Writing out 3 things I am grateful for
  • 2 glasses of lemon water first thing in the morning
  • Taking a brisk walk outside
  • Self reflection (Download a free copy of The Ultimate Guide To a Crazy Good Life here)
  • Reading and listening to podcasts
  • Visualizing my perfect day


And I’ll close on this. The deeper your reasons for wanting to finish the year strong and kick in momentum in 2020 the greater the probability of you being in the 20% that ends the year on a high note. What’s one of your reasons? (comment below)

Here are mine, they are mine.

1.) My two sons, Daniel and Cory.  For me, I think about the shortness and preciousness of life everyday. I think not just about being here for them but being the best me I can be for my family. I don’t know when my last day will be but I do know that I want to leave a legacy of living on and with  purpose.

2.)  Impact. My community. The world. Fifteen years ago I was really struggling and started to reevaluate everything in my life which lead to an awakening to my life’s purpose. For the five years that followed I focused solely on healing the parts of myself that felt broken and in need of repair. Then in 2010 I  stepped into my WHY of ” I committed to making an impact by helping the masses step through the shadows of despair into their greatness; on both the personal and professional level. And this year marks my 10th year of the event I have held  every year in January to begin the year with impact.

Here is what I know to be true. The way you start the year will carry forth the momentum needed to maximize the year’s potential, your potential. And being your BEST self is the greatest gift you can give your family, friends and community. This event, “Create Your Best Life” has made a lasting impact in lives of thousands of peoples over the last decade. We are entering into a NEW DECADE and this year’s event will be bigger and better than ever!

“Create Your Best Life 2020” is the greatest gift you can give to yourself, your family and your friends. Finish the year strong and start 2020 with powerful, purposeful momentum.

Your future is created by what you do today, NOT tomorrow.