Networking is HARD. 

But only for the ones who don’t know what REAL networking looks and feels like. 

It has nothing to do with forced conversations, monopolizing someone’s time or feeling awkward throughout. 

Successful networking is simply connecting with people who share your vision, your mission and your values. When this true heart & soul connection is built among more than a couple of people, it forms a community, and that community leads to collaborations. 

And guess what? 

Collaborations bring in the cold hard cash. 

Here’s what it looks like: 

Connection >> Community >> Collaborations >> Cash 

So simply put, when you connect with people, you open yourself up to new opportunities. 

Now the question arises, how can you powerfully network? What should you keep in mind when connecting & collaborating with people (whether it’s online or in-person)?

Let me share 5 breakthrough strategies for powerful networking to grow your business: 

1: I don’t think I can emphasize enough on this; Know who your tribe is! If you want to successfully network, the first step is to be fully aware of who your people are, what they care about and what kind of worldview they have. When you hear someone speak and you feel like something is awakened within you, you know that’s your person and you two should definitely connect.

2: The second breakthrough strategy for powerful networking is to be a GIVER. Always ask yourself, “what can I add to the relationship?” What can you bring into their world? Where can you pour into someone? Because when you act from that place, it shows, and the feeling is reciprocated without you even asking for it.

3: The third breakthrough strategy for powerful networking is to connect with people who excite you, bring a smile to your face, make you wanna do your best. People who uplift you and motivate you to bring your A-Game. Anything else isn’t acceptable (and won’t work). 

4: Be a giver but also be open to “RECEIVE”. Usually, we’re givers by nature. As conscious changemakers, we like to give, give and give. But successful networking is also about letting the other person help you! So, ask yourself, can they count on you? Also, can you count on them? If it’s a YES, let that relationship flourish. Otherwise, let go. 

5: Become a visionary and see the right people flock to you. Because when you’re clear about your vision and you unapologetically share your message with the world, your people come to you, instead you having to chase them around. 

So, all in all, when done right, networking can help you massively grow your business. With the right network by your side, marketing becomes easy. Sharing your message brings you JOY. And your confidence as an expert soars to the sky. 

What about you? Are you leveraging the power of networking in your business? If so, do you have a networking ritual in place? Please share in the comments and let’s learn from each other.