Vision without sight: what reality are you creating for yourself?

I’m obsessed with success. Seeing it. Believing in it. Going all IN. Achieving it. And SUSTAINING it.

I’m also obsessed with asking questions.

How do your thoughts become your reality? And how can you choose better thoughts?

I ask what, why, and how—the “what someone does,” the “why they hussle 50 plus hours a week to do it,” and most importantly, “how they overcome” numerous setbacks. We can all learn from Issac Lidsky, a blind entrepreneur who has built a 70-million dollar company, has a beautiful wife and children, and is a New York Times bestselling author.

His message: Reality isn’t something you perceive; it’s something you create in your mind.

Your vision is limited by your past experiences. Your emotions create a story that you continue to tell yourself with repetition over and over again. Our traditional sight, when solely relied on, produces similar results based on our unique patterns and habitual way of thinking. To change that, Lidsky shows us how to silence our inner critic and harness our strength.

@Isaac Lidsky lost his sight by age 25. Now, he says, losing his eyesight was a blessing because it taught him that he is in control of his own reality.