The Power of Believing. 

What is Belief?
It is a strong opinion that is ingrained so deep in your mind that it appears to be real and often even factual. Your thoughts become conditioned through your upbringing, the people you spend the most time with, and your life experiences. It’s the reason why two different people in the same household have two different viewpoints of the world. Everything is perspective. Your beliefs are based on your relationship with two parts of being, first, within your inner world and then, in the outer world. From there you add your personalized interpretation to both and that becomes your belief system.
What if your beliefs aren’t true, would you know? NO, most of the time you are attached to them so you protect them at all costs. Unless you develop a new inner dialogue or have new life-changing experiences, your beliefs stay basically the same. A point to note here is that if your beliefs stay the same your outer world will reflect it by staying the same as well. If, perhaps, you wanted to change something in your life, you have to start with your own BELIEFS.

That being said, here are 5 potent ways to enhance your belief system:

1. Become more open, willing, and teachable. You don’t know what you don’t know, and the only way to learn it is to seek that knowledge. Switch gears by reading a new book, taking a new course, joining a new group, etc. This can be described as “expanding your circle.”
2. Deal with the itty-bitty shitty committee in your head. Draw it out and start communicating with it. I like to use this technique with my clients; write down all of your NO’S on a piece of paper. No to playing small. No to being stuck. No to being broke. No to the voice in my head that says you are too old, too young, too short, too shy, etc. Now burn the paper in a private ceremony and declare NO, Goodbye, I declare this limited belief is GONE now.
3. Create a Vision Board. Get a poster-board or use a bulletin board and collect pictures of the kind of life you want to have. Stretch yourself outside of your belief zone. For example, if your belief system holds the idea that you don’t have the cash to travel to Bali but you want to go, use that picture anyway. Next, glue or thumbtack these photos to them it. Lastly, place your finished board somewhere you can see it on a regular basis.
4. Write out a POWER STATEMENT and read it out loud often. Here is where the block or limitation comes in. If you don’t believe it, your subconscious mind won’t be on board and will feel like you are being untruthful (a total phony). Let your statement meet you halfway. For example, if you wanted to become a public speaker but are petrified to speak don’t say, “I am a powerful, dynamic speaker.” Instead say, “I choose to become a dynamic speaker and am growing more confident every day.” Big difference, right?
5. Give yourself time. Lean in. Write out the reasons WHY you want to enhance your circumstances and read it as often as you can. The fuel exists inside of your reason. It will take diligence and consistency to develop a new belief muscle so you must be INSPIRED from the inside out. Someone else can not change your beliefs for you; it’s all up to you to really want it. The GREAT news is the power does exist inside of you.