A free woman

Do you remember what freedom feels like? 

Imagine, with me, a time when you felt alive, fully present, happy and free. Amazing, right?
Do you realize that is your natural state? It’s actually your birthright. So how do you get back there if you have disconnected from that feeling?

Here are 7 ways to allow more freedom into your life. 

  1. Stop undervaluing yourself. If you were to put a price tag on you and your time what would that be? Time is our greatest asset so make sure to give yourself the most valuable gift of all; your time.
  2. Give yourself a break. You aren’t ever going to be perfect. None of us are. Accept. Forgive. Release. This is simple but not easy. Just notice when you are hard on yourself, take a breath and reposition your thought into “I am doing the best I can and it’s all going to be okay”.
  3. Know what makes you happy and do more of it, not less. Add hobbies. Spend time with friends. Eat your favorite healthy food. Wear your favorite color. Be less serious and play more. Happiness = Freedom
  4. Hang out with people that are freedom seekers and don’t settle for less. Right now create a list of people that make you laugh and feel good to be around. Spend more time with the names on that list.
  5. Schedule in “free time” into your calendar. If you are like me, if you put it into the calendar you have a much higher probability of doing it. Use a special color pen so that it jumps out at you when you look at your planner.
  6. Write out a freedom statement. Start with “I feel happy and free when I _________________________. Place it somewhere you will see it as a reminder. I love using dry erase markers on the bathroom mirror for this sort of thing. You look at yourself in the mirror first thing in the morning and then at the end of the day  therefore are constantly reminded.
  7. Recall 2-3 héros that were willing to put it all on the line for freedom. Feel the gratitude well up as you feel their fearlessness and willingness to fight for what they knew in their hearts was right regardless of the circumstances. It’s humbling to honor and remember how far our world has come because of we have stood on the shoulders of giants to hold us up.
To Flourishing Freedom,

Connect with Wendi:

Wendi on Facebook: www.facebook.com/wendiblum

Wendi on Instagram: www.instagram.com/wendiblum

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